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What If Pavlov Had My Cat Instead Of His Dog? (fun read ☺)

When I was a kid, my father once came back home with a guest. A black and white cat that jumped in his car and decided it would spend the rest of its life with a complete stranger and his family. A few weeks later we were good friends and as good friends, we played together. It taught me everything I know about animal behavior i.e. not much. ☺

With my (limited) scientific mind, I thought of running a highly complex animal behavior experiment! On top of my playing mate and myself, I needed very advanced equipment which I happily gathered around the house: a big handkerchief box and a BIC pen’s cap.

Description of the experiment

!!! People with weak hearts be warned !!! ☺

The experiment consisted of the below-repeated process:

  • Throwing the cap (me)
  • Running to get the cap (the cat, not me)
  • Throwing the big handkerchief box high in the air to make a lot of noise at the time of impact with the soil (me)
  • Getting scared (both of us)
  • Collecting the cap for the next round (me surpassing my natural laziness)

After numerous repetitions, even if it was getting scared times and times again, my super-smart cat never refrained from running after the cap. I drew three conclusions that I share publicly for the 1st time in my life (lucky you 🙂):

  1. CAT: Never let fear stand between you and having fun.
  2. PAVLOV: If Pavlov had my cat instead of his dog he would have never observed any conditioning, his whole theory would have never existed. Luckily enough for him and for humanity, he had a dog… ☺
  3. HUMAN RACE: sometimes we are one iteration away from glory; adjust, hang on… Always remember that Thomas Edison tried 10K to encounter the right recipe for a light bulb.

!!! That’s All Folks !!! ☺

If interested in learning how to work with your nature and not against it, check out my book at

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